Business Owners & Professionals

Whether your business is large or small, simple or complex - our extensive network of market-leading carriers ensures that we can provide you with bespoke coverage solutions at competitive prices. Here are just some of the business who have trusted us to take care of their policies.



Case Study #1 - Professional Liability Coverage for a Multi-Million Dollar Business

Architectural Firm


Business owner is the proprietor of a busy architectural firm. His prior insurance agent had been unresponsive and he became unhappy with the service provided. Despite this, business owner tried to maintain business with the agent because they had a long term working relationship.

Business owner’s commendable loyalty meant that he was spending valuable time trying to get clarity over his insurance, when he could have put that time and effort into running his business.


We prepared a Professional Liability insurance proposal for business owner’s architectural firm with one of the top insurance carriers in North America. We secured him superior coverage at a better rate than he had on his prior policy.

After he was left without coverage from a previous agent, we also offered to replace business owner’s personal auto policy over the same weekend - and the following weekend we bundled his home and personal auto together for an even better premium!

Bundling business owner’s auto and home insurance saved him over $500 alone.

Case Study #2 - Commercial Auto Insurance with Complex Requirements

Transportation Service


This business owner needed insurance for a furniture delivery truck. However navigating the extensive insurance requirements of the shipping companies they worked alongside was highly complex. Despite spending time shopping around, quotes from other providers vastly exceeded the available budget.

Despite spending time shopping around, quotes from other providers vastly exceeded the available budget.


We worked with our industry-leading carriers to secure an attractive commercial auto rate at a price which was substantially less than our competitors offered.

The customer accepted our proposal and we provided him with the certificate of insurance he needed to start working within a matter of days.

We also bundled the customer’s home and personal auto insurance, saving him money as well as his business!





Case Study #3 - Helping A Brand New Business Navigate the Market



Our client business owner needed a business owners and workers compensation policy to cover her nail salon. Like many owners of new businesses, having had no prior insurance she found it difficult to find the coverage she needed at a rate her fledgling business could afford.


Among our network of commercial carrier partners, we found a carrier who was happy to provide insurance to new businesses like business owner’s.

The carrier sent us a very attractive proposal which business owner was happy to accept straight away. In no time at all, she had all the necessary documents in order to get her business up-and-running.

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